Our guest this (long!) episode is David Scott, who wears a number of Chaosium hats – among others convention presence, rules Q&A, and the web archives.

David talks about his work on the Well of Daliath – a collection of material posted on glorantha.com, slowly reconstructed from backups when stuff didn‘t migrate that well across platforms, and also chronicling current notes on Glorantha.

We hear some tales of woe about material lost to entropy, whether from natural disasters or from migration of the website.


Our only item this time (other than a shout-out to our newsletter) is the good bye to Steve Perrin, and the reactions of the community.

The Chaosium blog has links to a series of six blog posts by Steve on designing RuneQuest.

George R.R. Martin’s obituary on how Superworld shaped his career, Steve’s role in the first ever monster manual, and then there is Shannon Appelcline’s overview over Steve’s credits in the industry.

Remember to subscribe to the Journal of Runic Studies for weekly Gloranthan news.

Main Topic

We look into the introduction of personality traits into RuneQuest and other rpgs.

The first published version was 1981 in Griffin Mountain as the NPC record form (which Chaosium also put into the Thieves World box that was released the same year). However, David was able to track this development back even earlier, in (mostly) unpublished notes of Greg, and (other than to ultra-collectors, also unpublishable notes).

We cannot show you the glimpse into the “Unpublished RuneQuest” material David gave us, but we can attest that what we saw were scribbled notes (in more legible hand-writing than mine) without any grand revelations.

David shows us a few glimpses into the evolution of RuneQuest character sheets, and talks about the synergies between John Sapienza‘s character sheets, Steve Perrin‘s grasp of mechanics and Greg Stafford‘s desire to build his world.

A first fusion of skill percentages and numeric values for personality traits and passions:
John Sapienza & Greg Stafford © 2021 Chaosium Inc.
The prototype of the NPC Record Form that made it into publication:
John Sapienza & Greg Stafford © 2021 Chaosium Inc.

David then gives us an insight into Greg Stafford’s process into bringing these traits and the runes into the game RuneQuest, and Gloranthan gaming in general.

Greg’s concepts of people being hard-wired for mythology and certain types of behavior. One book Greg suggested to David is “Our Kind” by Marvin Harris.

Ultimately, the personality traits became an integral mechanic in Greg’s King Arthur Pendragon. David Larkin shows Greg’s research as annotations in Le Morte D’Arthur in his Pendragon designer’s notes.

The game mechanics for dragonewts (as NPCs) in Wyrm’s Footnote #14 (in 1982) were another step in the process of getting game mechanics out of this.

The quest for HeroQuests as a game mechanic led to Greg working on the Epic System – or Glorantha the Game – even during the years of the Avalon Hill publication of RuneQuest.

“The maddest character sheet anybody has ever seen for Glorantha” from the development process for Glorantha the Game:
Epic System by Greg Stafford © 2021 Chaosium Inc.

The more coherent and elaborate pieces of this process made their way into the “Arcane Lore” volume of the Stafford Library, which still is a collection of almost random notes and concepts.

Robin Laws’ concept for Hero Wars (later HeroQuest, nowadays Questworlds) then was a game where basically all abilities were traits.

Personality traits in gaming praxis

We address the reluctance of players to let personality traits dictate their roleplaying of the characters. David talks about three types of gamers’ reactions to this mechanism – newcomers, curious old hands, and set-in-their-ways grognards.

We touch on conflicting passions (rather than just opposed traits), like “Loyalty (Leader)” and “Hate (Leader)”, and the roleplaying potential in that, and how not to roll this gives the players the freedom to steer their characters.

The example characters of Vasana (the leader who has “Hate Lunar Empire”) and Vostor (an AWOL Lunar soldier disillusioned with the Lunar army looking out to join Vasana’s band) are used in David’s demo games to illustrate how these things play out.

We touch upon how Hate Lunar Empire is different from hating individual Lunars, and how the Storm Bull’s Hate Chaos does not make every Lunar in sight a target for their berserking.

We also talk about the situation of Lunar converts in Sartar after 1625.

Augmenting with traits and passions

“Can I use my Mobility Rune to fly?” and credibility checks.

Use of “Loyalty (Leader)” to get things from a leader, and other uses, and use of automatic success in roleplaying situation.

What to do as a GM when a necessary success doesn’t show up. How to deal with failure.

Opposed rolls with the same degree of successes (plugging this little treatise).

Using the moon rune to augment spirit magic casting.

High scores in passions or traits – GM calls

Allowing players to reduce such high traits

Traits derailing the game.

Traits are not meant to be played as mental illness.

Runes and passions in heroquesting.

Casting massive amounts of rune points manifesting the deities.

Acquiring new passions in-game

Taking loyalty to the leader, or to another patron the character might want something from.

David gives a great example about a Lhankor Mhy initiate from his campaign who took loyalty not to the Colymar tribe, but to the Colymar lawspeaker Hastur, and how he would go about shifting loyalties from one temple to another.

And with that, Joerg reminded Ludovic of bedtime, and we postponed questioning David for a later podcast.

Returning to our tower for our second episode of the God Learners Podcast, we meet Austin Conrad, the author and publisher of the Myth of the Month on Jonstown Compendium aka Akhelas or Crel.

We digress badly even before we get into the news or our blurb for the Newsletter. (Spoiler: we keep rambling. Surprised?)

The News

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Journal of Runic Studies! Get your Gloranthan news in your inbox, RSS reader, or browser!

We start off with the report that Jonathan Tweet has submitted his text on the project tentatively named The Dragon’s Eye.

We discuss the art previews, especially the 20 heads of Sartarite folk, and digress about skin coloration. The name of the orange-skinned hero Jörg failed to remember is Binstarnif Awe.

Virtual Tabletop integration for the RuneQuest Starter Set with Fantasy Grounds appears to be imminent. Of course, we still need to wait for the Starter Set box to become available in the distribution centers around the world for the pdfs and probably this material to be released.

Cover of Petty Spirits pt.2

Austin talks about his newest Monster of the Month project, Petty Spirits part two. (Link to part one), and gives us this preview of the book wyrm by Laura Galli:

The Book Wyrm from Petty Spirits 2, by Laura Galli

More leaks of the upcoming Sartar material or Jeff’s research for that include rather detailed breakdowns of three clans – the Ernaldori, the Varmandi, and the Hiordings, and the Guild of Bronze Workers in Boldhome, covered as well on BRP Central in more convenient format. We struggle to stay on topic, which leads us to researching where a group of dedicated volcano worshipers could erupt one…

Austin’s index of the Red Book rune spells by the runes has made it into the official pdf collection, and we ponder how far one can take recursive indexing.

And then, 24 minutes into the podcast, we digress into our main topic:

Travel in Sartar

So who is traveling across Sartar and Dragon Pass, and for what reasons?

Austin points towards the maps in Nick Brooke’s index to Jonstown Compendium scenarios, originally published on BRP Central.

Reasons to Travel

Digression: How common are metals in Glorantha?

Messages across long distances: people carrying them, or spirits carrying them.

We discuss the roles of Issaries in myth and in the world, as Issaries is a primary travellers’ cult.

Travel preparations should include sacrifices to the gods of the road, or to ask the omens.

Pilgrimages as This World HeroQuests, and rites of purification and ritual preparation while on the way. Austin brings up herms and how disrespect to these could ruin a political career in Athens.

Tourism in the Ancient World, and in Glorantha, and penning travelogues to make your sightseeing a business expenditure. The names of Pausanias and Herodotus get dropped.

Travellers in service of other travellers: work crews clearing roads, or trailblazing new magical paths.

Family reunions as another excuse to take to the roads.

Means of Travel

Austin addresses the tragedy of lack of boat traffic on rivers or bigger interior bodies of water, at least for the core region explored now.

After we recorded this, Jeff Richard leaked a map showing the main roads and navigable rivers in Kethaela and southern Dragon Pass.

Pack animals and mounts

Donkeys, mules, Praxian beasts, or horses? Dinosaurs? Or bugs?

Do you use encumbrance rules?

Human porters as an alternative to pack beasts, and size and composition of travel groups.

Wheeled transport – Ox carts for heavy cargo, odd draft beasts for less heavy stuff.

Road encounters

Bandits and how they might shy away from people in armor and certain tattoos.

Size of bandit groups – organized crime, rival clans attacking traffic on roads controlled by your clan.

Reimbursement for being raided on a clan’s lands?

What are the terms for using the kings’ roads?

Spirits and ghosts, like in Vinga’s Ford.

Wild animals, and Austin calls for a volunteer to write up a scenario on insurance fraud.

Jörg mentions smugglers’ correspondence on clay tablets.

Running out of gas – can a traveller graze a caravan beside the road?

Children and alynx sidekicks as internal source of trouble and tension… “Are we there yet?”

Natural disasters (other than kids)

Frequency of encounters (or more specifically bad stuff): One encounter per hex travelled? Or a narrative approach similar to Robin Laws’ narrative difficulty

Hospitality as a means to slow your travels

Where do you sleep tonight? Hospitality as a boon. Austin explains Xenia, classical Greek guest friendship which creates lasting light bonds between host and guest

We talk about the official or unofficial ambassadors of clans or tribes in some distance, and we natural talk about going to Nochet.

The Cult of Geo as the state-supported fast food or motel chain, and then we can’t help discuss Apple Lane.

Replacing mounts or pack animals, and how that could get thwarted by players having formed attachments to whatever they own.

Are there horse shoes in Glorantha?

Public baths, and how they are an opportunity to get players out of their armor.

Adventure possibilities in visiting private hosts rather than inns.

Gift-giving as guests, and how to twist that into more adventure hooks.


The intro music is “The Warbird” by Try-Tachion. Other music includes “Cinder and Smoke” and “Skyspeak“.

The featured image is by Bernard Gagnon.

For our first episode of the God Learners Podcast we are visiting Neil Gibson, proprietor of the Black Alynx inn in the seedier parts of Jonstown. Neil’s podcast “Tales of the Black Alynx” had a series of interviews with creators of the Jonstown Compendium, but it is missing one significant contributor – a certain Neil Gibson, author of “LEGION”. We are aiming to amend this omission…

Recent News Items:

The Red Book of Magic is available as a hardcover now (at the point of writing this, not yet in Austrailia).

And if you like the great cover by Mark Smylie and want it as a print or on any number of useful items like mugs or shower curtains, Chaosium’s Red Bubble store will take your money.

There have been plenty of postings by Chaosium with previews of the art that is going into the Gods of Glorantha books.

Loic Muzy has contributed 170 pieces of art, among these a portrait of each of the 100 cult deities. There is a huge piece by Agatha Pithié depicting the monomyth, or at least an impressive number of important scenes from it, and the Prosopaedia will be illustrated by Kathrin Dirim.

There is a thread with many preview pieces on BRP Central.

In recent time, Jeff Richard has also shared numerous previews on his current Glorantha developments on Facebook, and because of the fleeting nature of Facebook streams, these posts have been documented in other places, among others in our newsletter.

Jeff shared a list of foundational documents of Glorantha lore, and a list of some other publications which are strong but not infallible influences on the current Glorantha canon, among other places on the Well of Daliath. While we’re at it, we talk about our own research and inspirational sources.

We are talking about the imminent price raise of high quality Print-on-Demand books from DriveThruRpg, including those of the Jonstown Compendium, and a sale on such books before these new prices hit the platform.

We talk briefly about the change in the portrayal of Sartar from a land of rural clans with heroic but rather hidebound hill dwellers to that of a cosmopolitan crossroads of trade and magics with vibrant cities full of architecture that you expect from ancient civilizations.

We talk about real world information on the Bronze Age and related periods.

Interview with Neil Gibson

We ask Neil about his beginnings in roleplaying, and Neil tells how the switch from D&D to RuneQuest changed the way of playing.

We learn about his experiences exploring the Big Rubble and the Elder Wilds with RuneQuest Second Edition, his path through other systems like Call of Cthulhu, Bushido, and Car Wars, how his roleplaying career took a hiatus when Gloranthan RuneQuest disappeared, and how his enthusiasm was re-kindled with the publication of RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha.

Neil relates his efforts roping in his children, and his online experience on early Sunday mornings, a RuneQuest third edition game set in mythical Wales, and plans to run a local RQG game from the Starter set.

We talk about Legion Games and “LEGION“, Neil’s first offering on the Jonstown Compendium.

Ludo meant to cite Jason Durall, not Steve (Perrin?)

Neil talks about the fun he had creating these broos, and gleefully presents the fun that can be had with diseases carried by broos, including a few new ones he published there.

We talk a bit about NPC collections as roleplaying supplements, and how they evolved from mere repetitive stat blocks into collections that give us motivations, interaction with other NPCs, and scenario hooks.

Neil reveals how LEGION was created as a practical application of creating a script to produce stat blocks for another project he has in the works.

LEGION is in fact the first of quite a few publications in the Jonstown Compendium by Legion Games, a company that Neil created with Drew Baker, the author of the Rubble Redux series and a number of other Legion games supplements. Neil and Drew have some projects in the pipeline, too, including a board game.

Legion Games has a bundle of all their products to date out in pdf.

Other than broos, Neil is in the process of preparing a collection about an even more vile foe: Ducks. (But then that remark may have been quackist.) The ducks are to avoid the Disney tropes and the pure comic relief approach, and will detail two quite different populations of ducks – downtrodden ones in Dragon Pass, and fairly successful and proud in Esrolia. Neil has roped in a new artist for this project, Thomas Connell, who offers a preview of the Duck style on his ArtStation page.

Neil continues working on his campaign putatively titled Into the Wastes, planned as a series of three books, the first named Flower Girl set around Bullflood in western Pavis County, the second in Indagos a little further to the east, and finally an exploration of ruins of Genert’s Garden in the Wastes. The books are planned to provide some gazetteer of the places, scenarios and plot hooks.

We talk a little about publishing on the Jonstown Compendium, how the earnings from sales mostly bolster the war chest from which illustrators are hired to increase the quality and appeal of the products, often after the initial release.

Neil has his own podcast, The RuneQuest Project, available on all the major podcasting platforms. Starting out with actual play episodes, about a year ago Neil switched to a series of interviews with publishers on the Jonstown Compendium, starting a series titled “Tales from the Black Alynx”. Neil is planning to pick up some interviews, and plans to go after the artists now.

Neil talks about his most anticipated releases from Chaosium for Runequest, the Sartar box and the Starter box in particular.

Finally, we ask Neil for his personal runes. With Neil’s choices the only cult we could think of is a revelation of the God Learners…


Images in this post are courtesy of Legion Games. The intro music is “The Warbird” by Try-Tachion. Other music includes “Cinder and Smoke” and “Skyspeak“.

In this short interlude, Joerg and Ludovic announce their return to Gloranthan podcasting with a new name!

Shortly after this airs, all of our website and social media presence will migrate to a new place. Visit the God Learners for more information… if you get the “Coming Soon” page, it means we are still heroquesting deep into the bowels of the internet!


Episode 8 airs with a few weeks delay compared to our usual rhythm, as we wanted to feature our Glorantha Has Talent?-contest in this episode. We found the wait worth the while, and so did our judges.

Herald’s Podium

While we have moved the complete coverage of news about Glorantha to our Wind Whispers newsletter, we still pick a few items for our voice reporting.

Glorantha Fan Awards 2019 and 2020

In memory of Greg Stafford passing away in October 2018, Chaosium announced the laureates for Gloranthan fan activity for last year and this year, Congratulations to Martin Helsdon and Nick Brooke!

RuneQuest Classic (second edition) titles available as Print-on-Demand

The titles from the Crowd-funding for the Gloranthan Classics edition are finally available as print-on-demand hardcovers from lulu.com.

Art Packs: Gloranthan Stock Art for Creators on the Jonstown Compendium

Martin Helsdon started an experiment offering three packages of illustrations from his works “Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass” and “Men of the West” as illustrations for creators – Orlanthi, Lunars, and Hsunchen, Nomads and Beasts.

Dario Corallo followed suit with the character art he provided for Gianni Vacca’s Last Faction Hero.

The Pendulum and the Pit

A new free 48 pages product on Jonstown Compendium, a slightly horror scenario for Sacred Season and thus probably fit for a Halloween game.

Glorantha Games 2020 Experience

Ludo reports about his gaming on Pookie’s online convention and leaks tidbits from the Kralorela RQG project under development by David Millians.

Kraken 2020 as a hybrid convention

While we were recording this, a much reduced face to face convention in one of the remotest corners of Brandenburg reached out to the internet. We’ll try to get feedback from the organizer and attendants. There is a little digression about the history of Glorantha-themed conventions in Germany.

RuneQuest Glorantha German Edition Crowdfunding

Jörg reports about the success of the German Crowdfunding and his experience on German language platforms during the CF. We compare international editions, extras to be had, and errata to be included.

Glorantha Has Talent!

The first of our main sections, wherein we are joined by our three judges to listen to the entries, get their feedback on the submissions and announce the prizes and their ranking.

We talk about the rules for contestants and judges, and present our team of three:

For the whole list of contestants, entries and individual recordings (some in the original stereo) as well as some of the splendid supplemental material we received, follow this link. We don’t want to spoil the results just yet.

Heartfelt thanks to everybody who contributed to the contest, whether as judges, sponsors, or participants!

Artistic Contests in Glorantha

After enjoying the fruits of the contest, Bill, Jörg and Ludo plough onward to discuss how such contests can find their way into your games. We digress a lot, as usual:

The Garhound Contest – the growth of a myth out of a scenario

Bill shares his admiration for Michael O’Brien’s main scenario of the RQ3 Renaissance book Sun County, the Garhound Contest and Melisande’s Hand, and speculates how a contest which might have once been a way to keep the youngster’s energy away from trouble becomes a myth or gets caught up by myth.

Singing for the Ludoch – a Choralinthor Bay Myth becoming a ritual contest

Jörg presents another story about the Choralinthor Bay Ludoch and Fisherfolk and tries to provide artistic expression as another way to solve conflicts. (Transcripts of both these stories will be made linked as text soonish.) We also touch upon the uncanny attention that use of the term Ludoch creates for one of us….

A Look at Donandar

Ludo explores the cult of Donandar and its role in the world. We discuss Illusions, stage craft, and a Marvel heroine in the course of this.

Well, this is something Ludo has been looking forward to since the release of The Valley of Plenty, To be honest, so have we all, and the Carpenters were as wonderful as we thought they would be, They invited us into their lovely southern home replete with kids dogs and a just a wee touch of chaos—in a very genteel way. And in the course of our conversation we find everything one expects from the creators of the very cool “Wildlings”! But first, let’s meet our judges for Glorantha Has Talent? and then see what M has for us…



Glorantha Has Talent?

Our fantastic Gloranthan Talent Show!
We finally introduce our wonderful Judges!

We asked our Judges to tell us about art that inspired their Gloranthan gaming and we give a few examples below:

This is one of Nick’s artistic influences for gaming in Gloranthan!
Used with kind permission of Chaosium Inc.

Peggy gives us a few links:
:Eugène Delacroix’s Ovide Chez les Scythes
Scythian horse equipment
Scene of fight of two horses Kazakhstan
And a pic


SIGINT/Psych Ops

The good stuff straight from M, with a flurry of items of less than ideal repute. Rumour has it this used to be our “News and Rumour Tables” but that thought gets an A for too awful to contemplate.


Money Money Money

We like these play aids, we really do! Buy these @. Campaign Coins!


RuneQuest For Free?

An affordable option for evaluation or even short play, It’s great for those of us that are facing economic hardships in these strange times.


Dragons Eye and Other Examples of “YGMV”

Screen Capture from BRP Central

This is a long awaited examination of Glorantha locales that us old folk have been waiting for forever! This supplement explores the strange and odd places in Dragon Pass that show that Kansas is far, far away!


M. Heldson’s “Men of the West”

Mr Helsdon has been tantalizing BRP Central in the Topic Swords pf Central Genertela for years with early peeks at his works!

Martin returns with another of his explorations of the fighting men and women of Glorantha. This time he goes West!


D-Infinity’s RuneQuest Thursdays

Great RQ aids from a prolific and punctual fan! Here is June’s RuneQuest Thursdays!


French Griffin Mountain for RQ G

According to M, the french will be getting this double translation with the publication of RQ G or soon thereafter: Double translation; once into French and then once more into RQ G!

Quelle Chance!


Our Main Topic

An interview with the Carpenters’
of Troupe Games Fame!

  • Introducing our guests, then a sneak peek at our Lightning Round
  • Their history in War-Games and RPGs
  • Griffin Mountain changes everything
  • Years pass and then cue a late visit to Sandy Petersen’s epic TrollPak!
  • Gloranthan Miniature game?
  • The Dundealos, The Poljoni, the Jaldonkillers Saga and how YGWV
    Joerg asks the tough questions!
  • The Wildlings and The Valley of Plenty
  • Novel use of PCs and NPCs, Bill says “Bravo! Well Done!”
  • A discourse on BRP OGL and the QuestWorld SRD
    (Bill gets a headache from all the TLAs).
  • Troupe Games on Inclusivity, X cards and Trigger Warnings
  • What’s up and coming for Troupe Games?”


What do fat Elvis and fat Hemingway have in common? And here, we get our comeuppance!


The Lightning Round


Bye For Now!

See y’all next month for Glorantha Has Talent? and so much more!

Ten Pillars and Entrance

Glorantha Has Talent?


We announce our contest for audio takes on Glorantha.

A Ludoch Story


Another example (after last episode’s joke at the end of the podcast) of how such a 3 minute audio entry could sound

The Herald‘s Podium


Starting with an interruption announcing Wind Whispers, a newsletter collecting the news of the week (convention news, new products, new rumors, and occasional looks at cool topics on the interweb, current and older).



Gen Con Online, and the Armageddon live conventions in New Zealand

RuneQuest Live-Play videos


The RuneQuest Live-Play videos on Twitch and YouTube
Should an official live-play be free of house rules?

Orkenspalter TV meets Chaosium


With Lynn Hardy, John Wick, Jeff Richard and sorry, not Mike Mason, but Jason Durall—bad Jörg, bad!

Some Jonstown Compendium products now available in Print on Demand

Only electrum sellers are going to get a Print on Demand, talking about the catch22 when some buyers hold back on supporting a new title hoping for a PoD bundle and electrum status possibly delayed or not reached.

Talking about reading in the bathroom (don‘t try that at away from home, folks)

What‘s New on Jonstown Compendium


The Sandheart Trilogy is getting a remake with more illustrations

The Secrets of Dorastor by Simon Phipp
Discussing Melo Yelo, the Yelmalian

John Wick‘s Blue Moon, White Moon
John Wick? No, not the one played by Keanu Reeves!

The Rumour Table


Mark Baldwin releasing some marble statue depictions of Sun County? There are some uncanny similarities with certain folk at Chaosium.


Campaign Coins – get your hard Gloranthan currency! (No, not live cattle, but actual bolgs, clacks, lunars and wheels.)



BrentS on Cults of Prax and Biturian‘s Travels, and getting sweet on us


Pookie from Reviews from R’lyeh on how he listens to us on his walks, and a nod to our Cattle Raid proposals

Biturian’s Travels revisited – Part Two


A letter home to Esrolia, from a traveler in Prax

Bill gives one of our intrepid explorers a voice, dictated to a scribe at a Praxian Oasis.



A thank you to Martin Helsdon of Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass fame for letting us use his imagery of the Paps, on the cover of Temples and Towers, his exploration of the architecture of central Genertela.

A Dark Season Ritual at the Paps


Starting with Bill‘s comments on the Eirithan Dark Season rites at the Paps, we take a look at various things on and off topic.

The Respected Elder (and Most Respected Elder) of the cult of Eiritha at the Paps

A digression about the Morokanth

The holy nature of the Paps and its importance to Prax, and how this is similar to real world earth worship for Earth worship in an underground location. Bill brings out the Hopi using the Grand Canyon as the hole in the ground around which their earth worship was centred.

Rituals and Heroquests, and how much Other Side is involved.
What do observers see?

Little love lost between trolls and the Earth worshipers of Prax.

Darkness attackers in the most holy place—why do we have Morokanth attackers?
Similarities between Morokanth and trolls
We mention Steve Purcell’s image of a Morokanth on the cover of RQ3 Bestiary, and how Jörg managed to mis-interpret it as a dark troll for way too long – illustrating an uncanny similarity between these Darkness Rune creatures of Eiritha and the Men of Darkness.

Ritual foes, and how heroquesters from all over Glorantha may be drawn into your quest (and vice versa).
We discuss worshipers taking on the ritual role of a foe of the cult.

Biturian making a profit out of his worship
Lay membership, joining other cults’ ceremonies

Bill points out the similarities and differences with the Paps scene in Vasana’s Saga in the RuneQuest Glorantha rules book.

A Humakti Duel at Tourney Altar


Ludo introduces us to Tourney Altar, where we get to witness a Humakt Duel.
Naimless— Sword of Humakt from the Temple of the Wooden Sword, and accompanied by dark troll worshipers of Humakt.

Troll initiates of Humakt
Digressing about the Chaosium RQ2 (and RQ1) house campaigns
A history of the Temple of Wooden Sword with the Sazdorf Clan

Breaking the stereotype of your cult
(and we didn’t even mention 13G’s “One Unique Thing” that each character has).

Fairness in Humakti Duels

Discussing the limitations of Divine Intervention and how gods interact with their worshipers

Ludo has us tell about and then make up unusual specimen of cultists.

Bill’s mentions a duck character that worships Polaris, “a bit of an odd duck”!

Jörg “in memoriam” of Onslaught (a Humakti character invented by Martin Laurie) and his antithesis

The Bodyguard” – a Humakti dilemma, in Ellie Akers’ campaign

Rolling a random cult – we improvise on Waha and Maran Gor.

The Etyries Market at Moonbroth


Biturian’s description of Moonbroth, and thoughts on why it spouts water every Wildday.

Like the oasis, Jörg spouts illuminating nonsense about “it washes away the red Chaos from the Red Moon”.

Not discussing the hydrology of Prax and the Wastes and the nature of the Oases

The Etyries market at Moonbroth

Creative use of Biturian’s allied spirit

The fate of horned children in the Lunar Empire

The nature of Rune Spells (e.g. Charisma) in Glorantha

A High Fantasy version of Glorantha, envisioned by Bill

The inevitable comparison of Charisma with Axe or Sword Trance

What’s the dark secret about the horned children in the Empire? Tell us your theories at tribe@godlearners.com (hell, tell us your theories of anything and if it comes as an audio file that runs for about 3 minutes, it might double as your contest entry).

And with that we sneak out at the break of dawn, just like Biturian…

In this fifth episode of Wind Words, we come back to Sartar to look at every Heortling’s favourite past time: cattle raiding. Why do they like cattle so much around here that they need to go and steal them from their neighbours on a regular basis?

But first, we look at this month’s Gloranthan news.

Herald’s Podium

(located at 41 seconds)

Gen Con Online

(located at 1:o8 minutes)

Bill has registered for Gen Con Online: https://www.gencon.com Look for him and his mic at the con. His user name will be Bill of the Wind Words Tribe!

The grandpappy of them all. Gen Con falls to the rampaging Covid-19 virus but, like the phoenix consumed in the flame—emerges alive! This time online! Events will be announced on July 6 and registration begins on the 13th.

Errata: In our recording we gave incorrect information. Events will be announced on July 6 and registration begins on the 13th as is noted above. Mea Culpa!

Jeff Richard AMA

(located at 1:44 minutes)

The boys look at a Jeff Richard’s interview that happened when a bunch of German fans took over a Schloss as “socially distancing individuals” instead of a conventioneers and in lieu of the non-existing con’s  usual “Ask-Me-Anything” panel by Jeff, they recorded this. Many highlights, rumours and easter eggs are discussed.

Tminits & Trolls, Gianni Vacca’s long running Glorantha blog has a great summary of this panel @ https://2ndage.blogspot.com/2020/06/eternal-con-2020-jeffs-panel.html

Jonstown Compendium News

(located at 11:38 minutes)


An update to the ranks Jonstown Compendium products hold in the DriveThru’s “community content” top ten area:


As always, our community is kicking butt!

Valley of Plenty

(located at 12:49 minutes)



We discuss this HeroQuest/QuestWorld book that starts players off as children of the Dundaelos tribe. The book is from Shawn and Peggy Carpenter, a.k.a. Troupe Games.

More information is available on Troupe Game’s blog:

Red Deer Saga Part 3

(located at 20:49 minutes)


This is the final instalment of the three part series which finshes up at the Battle of Queens. We find ourselves astounded by Paul Baker, the author, and his rapidity in publishing—as we are with our next item’s author… 

Heortlings of Sartar

(located at 21:44 minutes)


Austin’s at it again with MotM #6! Ludo introduces this months monster as the most dangerous of them all!. From the BRP forums to you… at the speed of sound!

Treasures of Glorantha

(located at 23:18 minutes)


…also by Austin Conrad who is joined by Shawn Carpenter, Gil Cruz, Simon Phipp, and Jerry Thorpe (and Ludo!). This work starts a new series filled with storyful items to tempt—with an eye to the old RuneQuest Classic “Plunder” as inspiration!

Vinga’s Ford

(located at 25:13 minutes)


by Beer With Teeth.

It contains a vampire, a Vingan, and a duck, which are the essentials according to Joerg. There are also ghost trolls, spirit combat, and zombies. 

 Blue Moon, White Moon

(located at 25:40 minutes)


By John Wick (yay!)
The adventurers encounter a Blue Moon Assassin from the Lunar Empire. What is she doing out here in Dragon Pass? And what is she running from? Will prejudices and superstitions overcome empathy and curiosity? It’s up to your players (and their moral compass) to decide. 



(located at 28:01 minutes)


James Chambers, aka “JamesCORPTV” is a video streamer who does RPG-related videos and, mostly, actual plays. He has recently organized games of RuneQuest Glorantha (“The Broken Tower”) and 13th Age Glorantha (“The Beard of Lankhor Mhy”), which we rejoice about as we don’t see enough of that game around.

The live plays feature a few RPG personalities like Paul Mitchener, Bud, Pookie, and Seth Skorkowsky, but most importantly, Bill isn’t bored!

Main Topic

(located at 30:18 minutes)

Cú Chulainn in battle, from T. W. Rolleston, Myths & Legends of the Celtic Race, 1911; illustration by J. C. Leyendeckerw

The twin topics of Clan and Cattle in Sartar

(This is located at 30:18 minutes)


(This is located at 31:18 minutes)

  • What is a Sartarite Clan?
  • What binds them?
  • What separates them?

Cattle and clans

(This is located at 36:35 minutes)

  • What cattle do for one’s resources and self sufficiency.
  • Hillbillies? Cultured folk?
    • Cows provide that certain “je ne sais quoi”, a little Gloranthan Bronze Age flavour…
  • Cattle and myth

The Raid

(This is located at 43:25 minutes)

  • Cows and how to find them.
  • Cows and how to get them.

Beginning/Preparation of the Raid

(This is located at 47:12 minutes)

  • When does a raid actually begin?
    • Getting permission for a raid
    • Who does one raid? The answer might surprise.
  • Ramifications that later impact our raiders or defenders may be foreshadowed here.
  • Recon/Scouting (spiritual and mundane)
    • Tactics Leadership (politics again)
    • Charging over the hill (crazy but…)
    • Diversions
  • Politics, negotiations, borders, hospitality (boon or bane).
  • Military preparations: mundane and spiritual, arming, praying and sacrifices.
  • The realities of limited resources is introduced, as is the wyter.
  • The role (or necessity) of a hired expert.

Use all these some or all of these ideas to have several excellent challenging and fun games before combat even begins (so that’s what all those other skills are for)! 

Splat Note
Jörg mentions a name I was unfamiliar with in conjunction with charging over the hill, Read the entry about the character and his actions that created the meme in honour of Leroy Jenkins @

Execution of the Raid

(This is located at 1:06:37 hours)

  • The moment ya blood thirsty barbarians have been waiting for…
    • Raiders: Overt? Covert? Distractions, magical or mundane? 
    • Defenders: Observing invaders magically or mundane
  • Hospitality rears its ugly head again.
  • How much magic should be used in defence and attack? Resources vs needs vs wants.
  • When to use this magic (and what does filibustering have to do with magic?).
  • To use aggressive/lethal magic or not?

More complications

(This is located at 1:14:48 hours)

No plan survives contact with the enemy

…and yet, more story seeds are provided!


(This is located at 1:19:08 hours)

  • Division of spoils {See the beginning of the raid for decisions already made that were said to have possible ramifications).
  • No spoils—things go south, now what?
    • Is this bad or can it be negotiated? (more game nights that leave the need for combat behind).
  • So are we now at the end of this raid or the beginning of the next raid
  • What to do with the cattle (why don’t the villains win once in a while and get the cattle home?) (“It’s what Orlanth did…”)

Cue the poets and skalds to tell the heroic tales…


(this is located at 1:28:43)

You want more notes, nah. You got the time listed above. Anymore would be telling. Go and give it a listen for our final thoughts on the matter.

(Psst… although I could sell you a copy of Cole’s Notes to this episode in a sealed mylar package with the sealed and signed copy of our podcast to boot… Mint condition, perfect for collecting!)

A joke

(this is located at 1:37:02)

A teaser and special announcement not to be missed. This special announcement is located about 2 and a half minutes after the joke begins (for those with enquiring minds)…

As our team of intrepid explorers enters the capital of the Lunar Empire, we are joined by a team of professional historians..

Sit back, get a snack and something to drink, this may take a while.

First a short word about our tribe: at the time of publication, there have been more than 1111 downloads of the first three episodes in total. (That’s 1111 in decimal.)

The Herald’s Podium

As Corona Virus remains looming over us, we have to report more cancellations of conventions. This time it affects the two biggest ones of the year:


Main Topic: A Guided Visit of Glamour

As a premiere, we welcome guests to our podcast, the team of authors behind the Rough Guide to Glamour, all long time RuneQuest veterans who met studying history at Oxford university:

  • Nick Brooke; long time contributor to Tales of the Reaching Moon, host of etyries.com, an award winning Glorantha website, co-author of the freeforms How the West was One and Life of Moonson, and co-author and publisher of both the original and the new, revised and expanded Rough Guide to Glamour
  • Mike Hagen: contributor to Tales of the Reaching Moon, co-author of the Rough Guide to Glamour
  • Chris Gidlow: designer of Credo, the game of dueling dogmas, author of Tarsh War, a mini-freeform published by Reaching Moon Megacorp, co-author of Life of Moonson and the Rough Guide to Glamour

After a warm-up exercise ducking rapid-fire questions, our guests relate a tale of how their bestselling publication came to be, with lots of behind-the scenes information.

How does the Lunar Empire work, and how does it fail to work? Chris talks about making the Cult of Yelm work as the cult of the Red Emperor, Nick explains the interaction between the Lunar Empire and the Lunar Way, and Mike mentions the cycles and the weakness of the Empire.

The city of Glamour does get a closer look – the movers and shakers, the cosmopolitan milieu, real world influences on the design, how a joint visit to Rome by our guests shaped their exploration of the imperial city, how the Junta boardgame influenced the design process, the shape of the Moon Rune as the dominant pattern of the city

We learn about the origin of the Life of Moonson freeform, from its origins as a mini-freeform “The Hunt for Red Storm Season” which was then expanded to a 50-person freeform.

There is a collection of the Life of Moonson characters on Nick’s Website – check them out. Mike, Nick and Chris expand on their favourites.

Ludo asks about the humour in Glorantha, and then we get to the influence of pop music to Glorantha, and especially Pelorian Rhapsody. After some evasion wherein we discuss why the Red Emperor resembles Elvis rather than Freddy Mercury, Michael O’Brien’s inspiration, Mike Hagen suggests a cyclical change of his appearance due to massive intake of Moon Rock, and Chris on MOB’s Maximum Game Fun principle, we get a musical interlude:

The Red Army Choir performing the first lines of Pelorian Rhapsody. Roll for Sanity.

Bill asks about which module our guests wished they had written. Nick offers his admiration for MOB’s Sun County for RQ3, Chris gets poetic about Griffin Mountain, and Mike Hagen reminisces about his first contact with RuneQuest through the early White Dwarf article on Dealing with Demons.

Our investigative reporting goes on to ask “What is the most Gloranthan thing you have ate”. Mike submitted a dish called Corflu Surprise as a winner to the first Eat at Geo’s contest at Convulsion (3 tbs cream of coconut, 1 tin of tuna, and 1 tsp Sambal manis, plus perhaps some black pepper. Adjust quantity of coconut and spice to taste. Garnish with seaweed if desired.). Nick tells about Walktapus seeds, and Chris celebrated the publication of the new Rough Guide with a most Lunar dinner consisting of ostrich steak (a type of bird that has been extinct in Peloria for centuries and may be illusionary), maize and pink gin.

We have a few more rapid-fire questions, sowing some dissent among our guests. and we let our guests answer the questions we failed to ask them.

Nick gives an account of the experience of publishing on the Jonstown Compendium. We learn why The Tide is High to Call Her, the goddess Glamour bearing a stunning similarity to Debbie Harrie. Mike gives an account on the art acquisition for the Rough Guide. Chris answers why one would explore the Lunar Empire.

As we ceremonially eject our guests, getting information on the sales numbers and a hint at the next project we can expect from our guests, learning about the banned Seleric Verses and what really happened in Torang in 1220.


The lovely image detail of Mucha Blondie Glamour is by Antonia Doncheva. View the full image on p.99 of the Rough Guide to Glamour!

The performance at 1:27:20 is a parody of Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen. Nick Brooke’s lyrics to Pelorian Rhapsody were inspired by Freddy Mercury’s original work. His group may have sung it better, but our version makes more sense as a Lunar hymn to the Seven Mothers and the Red Goddess.

For our third episode of Wind Words, we decided to have a look at the narrative in Cults of Prax.

But before that comes our regular look at the news and rumors.

The Herald’s Podium

Corona Virus-related news items:


Main Topic: Biturian’s Travels (part 1)

Cults of Prax

The first Glorantha supplement for RuneQuest 2 for the setting of Glorantha, now available in the Gloran tha Classics series and also as part of the RuneQuest Classics Cult Compendium.

Presumably the first splatbook in the history of roleplaying products,

Ludo mentions Shannon Appelcline’s Designers and Dragons, a four volume history of roleplaying written by a Chaosium insider, and kept up to date over on rpg.net.

Biturian’s Travels

First stop: Hender’s Ruins

A Baboon Daka Fal ceremony observed by Biturian, manifesting the spirit world or even God Time to the observer.

Second stop: The Block

Talking about Truestone, Gloranthan honey, troll caravans, sugar and Aldryami syrup.

Third stop; Day’s Rest

A bison wedding, parallels to Sacagawea from the Lewis&Clarke expedition, slave bracelets, bolgs (not clacks), detection magics and hiding from them.,

Conclusion: a praise for the narratives in the rules books and supplements: Rurik Runespear (RQ2 rules), Biturian Varosh (Cults of Prax), Paulis Longvale (Cults of Terror), non-Gloranthan Cormac the Pict (RQ3), Jaxarte Whyded (Sun County), Samastina (HeroQuest Glorantha) and Vasana (RQG).

Letters to Wind Words

Please send your questions or comments to tribe@windwords.com or post it on the Podcast of Wonder thread on BRP Central. Feel free to comment or share on social media, too.

If you send us a sound file, we will make use of that.

And mentioning our friends in Finland: Episode 3 of Dayzatarin Tähtien Alla is out.

Now who left in that blooper?