Episode 4: Writing Adventures in Glorantha

This episode’s guests are Beer with Teeth, at time in character: Erin (aka Varanis, a noble of Sartar lineage) Dom (aka Rajar, a huge Storm Bull axe fighter) Diana (aka Berra, a tiny Humakti warrior)…

Episode 3: Passions in RuneQuest

Our guest this (long!) episode is David Scott, who wears a number of Chaosium hats – among others convention presence, rules Q&A, and the web archives. David talks about his work on the Well of…

Episode 2: On the Road

Returning to our tower for our second episode of the God Learners Podcast, we meet Austin Conrad, the author and publisher of the Myth of the Month on Jonstown Compendium aka Akhelas or Crel. We…

Episode 1: A Visit to the Black Alynx

For our first episode of the God Learners Podcast we are visiting Neil Gibson, proprietor of the Black Alynx inn in the seedier parts of Jonstown. Neil’s podcast “Tales of the Black Alynx” had a…


In this short interlude, Joerg and Ludovic announce their return to Gloranthan podcasting with a new name! Shortly after this airs, all of our website and social media presence will migrate to a new place….

Wind Words 7: Plenty of Valleys

Well, this is something Ludo has been looking forward to since the release of The Valley of Plenty, To be honest, so have we all, and the Carpenters were as wonderful as we thought they…

Wind Words 5: Cattle Raid!

In this fifth episode of Wind Words, we come back to Sartar to look at every Heortling’s favourite past time: cattle raiding. Why do they like cattle so much around here that they need to…

Wind Words 4: A Guided Visit of Glamour

As our team of intrepid explorers enters the capital of the Lunar Empire, we are joined by a team of professional historians.. Sit back, get a snack and something to drink, this may take a…