The big churn of Cults of RuneQuest books is firmly underway, as Chaosium is releasing the Mythology volume just as I write these lines… but hold off a minute and stay with me on the previous release. Let’s dive into the Earth Goddesses!

Please note that I received a review copy from Chaosium. Big thanks to Brian and Dustin! As you might expect, the Earth Goddesses is available in hardcover and PDF from Chaosium, and in PDF from DriveThruRPG (affiliate link).

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We finally worked up the courage to get Jeff Richard on our show!

Jeff is the Creative Director and Chair of Chaosium, the lead writer on most of the RuneQuest books, the lead art director on RuneQuest, and the editor for Pendragon. Jeff is also generally responsible for the look and feel of the Chaosium books.

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RuneQuest is copyright 2023 Chaosium Inc., Old-School Essentials is copyright 2023 Necrotic Gnome

This new initiation episode features Matt, a school teacher who recently moved to Virginia and does the Lord of Chaos’ good work by introducing kids to roleplaying games.

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In this episode which we finally get around to talking about 13th Age Glorantha. Ludo and Jörg are joined by Becca of “Dames & Dice” fame on the Iconic Podcast, and by Evan Franke, of “Exploring Glorantha” fame.

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In my review of the Prosopaedia I went over the history of the last few years of RuneQuest publications. The Gloranthan fandom was waiting for something big to happen, based on much teasing and many sneak peeks from Chaosium. The clouds darkened, electricity built up in the air… and now a bolt of light blinds our eyes! Thunder cracks! Take 1D6 of damage to a random location!

Okay, please excuse the heavy-handed game metaphors, I’m excited to be holding, at last, the “Lightbringers” volume of the Cults of RuneQuest!

Released concurrently to much marketing fanfare with the “Earth Goddesses” volume (which I’ll review in a few weeks), these two books are the first in the new “Cults of RuneQuest” series to describe the playable cults of Glorantha at length and in depth. Or, as I like to say: RuneQuest finally gets splatbooks! Has the game advanced to the 1990s? Are we getting some metaplot heavy scenario books next? Is Chaosium going to get acquired by some online gaming company? I’m joking, of course (well, partially), because, again, I’m excited. This year is gearing up to be a very good year for RuneQuest players with disposable income.

Before we head further into the matter at hand, please note that I received a review copy from Chaosium. Big thanks to Brian and Dustin! The book is available in hardcover and PDF from Chaosium, or in PDF from DriveThruRPG (affiliate link).

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I have acquired the Lightbringers and Earth Goddesses splatbooks! I have only just started reading them (so far I’m quite happy) but you should expect some in-depth reviews in the coming weeks.

Chaosium’s Glorantha is known for being a fantasy world that can stand on its own. Some members of the fandom famously (and sometimes arguably unfortunately) “study” Glorantha as an almost academic pursuit, benefiting from the existence of almost as many system-less books on the topic as gaming books. In fact, two of the most acclaimed Glorantha books are system-less: the Glorantha Sourcebook (also here) won the ENnie gold medal for “Best Supplement” in 2019, and the massive encyclopedic two-volume Guide to Glorantha won, among other awards, the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming in 2015. Both of them have absolutely zero game mechanics in them.

This new release from Chaosium, The Prosopaedia, is another such system-less book, although arguably the first one to be branded under a game line (RuneQuest in this case). It is available in leatherette, hardcover, and PDF from Chaosium, and in PDF from DriveThruRPG. Let’s take a closer look!

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Runic Rants is an irregular series of thoughts, opinions, and experiments about RuneQuest.

This article was originally written as a comment on the BRP Central forums, and has been heavily edited and expanded here.

A question that I’ve seen come up a few times online is that of game terms employed in the RuneQuest rules compared to what people on Glorantha would “really” speak about.

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Our guest for this episode is Austin Conrad, who last graced our podcast in episode 2, On the Road. Austin is the author of many things on the Jonstown Compendium, generally publishing under the “Akhelas” brand, while he is known as “Crel” on BRP Central, Discord, and social media.

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In this month’s Glorantha Initiation interview, Ludo talks to Bryon Ross without any Joerg present. Bryon is a long time RuneQuest lover, but he played mostly with the Fantasy Earth setting until the release of the RuneQuest Quickstart in 2017. He is also a retired marine, SCA participant, and regular Chaosium convention gamemaster.

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