Episode 28: Gloranthan Free Forms
Put on your best hat, because it’s time for some Gloranthan freeforms! David Hall, Kevin Jacklin, and Joerg explain to Ludo what a freeform is, and how to play in one. We chat about gaming history, conventions, Tales of the Reaching Moon, strategically placed clouds, and more!
Episode 27: The Cults of RuneQuest
We finally have Jeff Richard on the show, talking all things Cults of RuneQuest, the revisions of Glorantha material, and even a surprise lore auction!
Episode 26: Chaos Rises!
We finally talk about 13th Age Glorantha, with guests Becca and Evan from Iconic Production! We look at 13AG’s strengths, compare it to RuneQuest and Questworlds, and plunder it for cool mechanics to use in other TTRPG games!
Episode 25: Making Up Cults!
Joerg and Ludo welcome Austin Conrad, of Monster of the Month fame, to talk about making up your own cults! We chat about the different types of cults, bounce random ideas for new cults, look at Hrunda from Austin’s “To Hunt A God”, and more!
Episode 24: Villains and Heroes of the Gbaji War
Joerg and Ludo have no guest this month, because Joerg needs to vent some more about the Gbaji War! After last month’s close look at Arkat with our great guest Bud, Joerg now takes us on a tour of all the other major NPCs of the apocalyptic end of the First Age!